
I recall not the time, of lethe nights and days
When the moon's changing ways, and the sun's golden rays;
The green of the trees, and the azure of the skies
Could regale me not, or my unborn little eyes;
As deep within you, tossing and turning;
Unknown to me, my life was yet a'forming;
As love overflowed your heart into mine
With a hopeful throb, in your loving twine

Waking and sleeping, you thought and dreamt
Only of me, your whole being swept
In the warm flood, of a storge so great,
Every drop you sipped, every morsel you ate
Had a wish for me, and a benediction so pure
That millions of ills, it had the power to cure

What storms you endured all alone
When I was but a dream, yet unborn;
When slumber you forsook, staring at the night
Anon in fright, that I might take flight;
When hope and fear your heart did share
And rose to your lips in a fervent prayer;
Oh! That I could share of a portion of that strife
Which you bore for me, before I came to life

When with rousing cries I entered the world
And your divine face to my eyes unfurled
With still wide orbs I must have stared
At your face and your tears, that bared
A heart full of love, deeper than the sea
Pledging its life, its future unto me

Oh! that I could feel, again the sublime bliss
When on my cheek you pressed, your first loving kiss;
Again that I could feel, the sweet-flurried bosom
When trembling you had handled my small supple form;
Oh! To dandle again in those tender fondling arms;
To rapture again in your sweet motherly charms!

sweet mother! Wonderful the Maker's art
Who made your tender loving heart!
Uncaring of pains and mortal sorrows
Ceaselessly from it immortal love flows;
That seeks no return from what it sows
But thrives in the felicity of the heart it bestows
O! What angelic hand that crafted your soul
That so easily can forsake for another its all?

O Mother! Those gay mirthful hours
Like stunted, unbloomed flowers
Shorn of the light of day
Lie unspent along your way;
All those youthful dreams
Which like once gurgling streams
Now buried deep in the dust
Lie forgotten, unlived in your past;
Do not they ail you now? Do not they make you cry?
That you chose for me, to let them rot and die?

Mother dear! Blessed is He of the celestial bower
Who bestowed on you so blithe a power
Stronger than a rock, gentler than a flower
Come misery or sorrow, never to cower
Under the whims of Fate and pitiless Time
Or those of a fickle, changing clime
Which may decree that your labors and pain
Be laid all waste; to go in vain;
That the soft little form which cuddles in your hold
Would one day grow, and leave your kind fold;
And when the sight is dim, and your past old
Will shield you not from the heat and the cold

But they fazed you not, these prospects grim
Nor lessened your love nor made it dim;
Profuse and true, it continued to flow
Warm and pure, with heavenly glow
O Mother, what love is this, of divine bloom
That burns so bright, even in the gloom
What heart is this, so warm and true
Possessed by evil or ensconced in virtue
The one you will seek, who arose from you;
Like an oaken tree, standing firm and tall,
Which no storm, no quake can ever make fall;
And even in death, refusing to die
But shines so bright like a star in the sky?

O God, O Maker, O kindly Father
A thousand lives if I live, let me live another
That once a mother in this world I can be
Before I finally merge with thee


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